Email Support

Exchange - Adding Users

To add or remove an Exchange user you need to do so in the Spam Filter and in the Exchange Admin Control Panel.

Add a user to the Spam Filter:

Add a user to the Exchange Admin Control Panel:



Adding a User to the Spam Filter

Browse to and log in.

From the Spam Filter, after you log in with the admin account you will see the following:

Click on the domain to view settings & users for the domain.

You will then see a list of all of your users that are being filtered for spam.

*Every user must have an account in the Spam Filter before any emails are able to be sent to the Exchange server.

To add a new user click the “Add User” button.

You will then see the following page. You will want to fill in the required fields (Mailbox & Password) and make sure that you have the “By Service” field set to “Host Based Forwarding.”

Click Next, you will then get a summary of everything being done. You can then click “Create.”

Your user is now set up and can now be added to the Exchange Admin Control Panel.

Adding a User to the Exchange Admin Control Panel

This will add the user to the Exchange Server.

Browse to and log in.

Once logged in go to “Users & Services” at the top, and Manage Users. Here you will see a list of your users.

From there you can click on “Create User” in the upper right hand corner.

You will need to fill in the required fields as well as select the options for the New User (Services, Display Name, Email Address & Password). Once complete click on Create.