Thursday, February 21, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.   

Stadium Grill,102 Dettro Avenue, Mattoon, IL 61938


SD-WAN Simplified!


SD-WAN is no longer a buzz word but a proven technology to deliver the scalability, affordability and flexibility that organizations need to support their bandwidth demands.

During this event the CCI team will share a wide range of benefits provided by an SD-WAN solution and help you understand if SD-WAN is right for your business. Some of the topics covered include:

  • What are the challenges encountered with today's WAN?
  • What is a Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN)?
  • How can today's organizations benefit from SD-WAN?
  • Live demonstration of the CCI SD-WAN solution.

About the Presenter:
Lori Evenstad, Solution Consultant & Jim Winkleblack, Sales Engineer from Consolidated Communications will provide an update to the current business landscape and an introduction to how Consolidated Communications is addressing today's business needs for performance, reliability and scalability with SD-WAN.

Register Today!

Seating is limited. Please register by Feruary 19, 2019