PCI Compliance: It's Just Business

With constantly changing technology and increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, how can your company maintain PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance? The latest version of the standard, Version 3.0, may make it easier by helping your organization make payment security “business as usual.”

The key message behind the changes is that meeting the PCI requirements shouldn’t be a once a year kind of thing. Rather, security monitoring, corrective action and reviews should be integrated into everyday business processes. 

Here’s what you need to know to start making that happen...
Monday, January 19, 2015/Author: Julie Wills - MarCom/Number of views (12729)/Comments (0)/

Data Security in a Post-Target World

Asked why he robbed banks, Willie “The Actor” Sutton is reputed to have said “Because that’s where the money is.” The same logic may explain why hackers went after heavily protected customer data at Target: big challenge, big prize! In retrospect, Target’s logo now seems to have been the bull's-eye thieves went after looking for a monumental payday, but you don’t have to have tens of millions of customers’ credit cards and personal data to become the next ”target.” Here at Consolidated Communications we see lots of customers, both large and small, who face the same kind of risk. The asset can be company data, customer data, protected medical information, or third party information of all kinds. And the attack can occur via an in-house computer, the network, an unencrypted laptop, a phone or tablet, or even a customer device. We’ve seen attackers talk employees into giving out sensitive passwords and a penetration tester, who showed up dressed as a power company representative, was escorted into the computer room, and walked out with one of the company’s servers. Data security has never been more important than it is now, nor has it ever been harder to maintain. When your data storage is provided by Enventis, we work tirelessly to secure your data and prevent any telecommunication mishaps. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (8603)/Comments (0)/

What You Need to Know About Disaster Recovery Planning

The term “disaster” gets tossed around rather loosely these days, but when it comes to IT operations it’s worth taking seriously. Major data loss can literally kill or cripple an organization. It can stop revenue flow and destroy customer trust. And, depending on the industry, it can create regulatory nightmares.

Friday, October 18, 2013/Author: Anonym/Number of views (9461)/Comments (0)/