Hot Tech Gifts for 2019

From streaming movies to video chatting with your best buds, there’s a good chance your household can’t get by without your Consolidated Communications Wifi connection. Not only does Consolidated Communications provide the bandwidth that powers your life, but we’ve also got tips for choosing the best tech gifts for the 2019 holiday season.

If you’re shopping for the hottest tech to complement your lightning-fast Internet, look no further than this guide.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019/Author: Kirstin Toms - MarCom/Number of views (8544)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Home Internet

How to Get the Best Black Friday Deals

To many Americans, Black Friday shopping is something like an Olympic sport; you hunt online to find the best deals, map out your game plan weeks in advance, and set your eyes on the prize.

Sure, you can show up at your favorite electronics store on Friday morning and hope to get a great deal on a 4K Ultra HD TV. Or you can do a little bit of prep work and know exactly when and where to shop to get the goods you want. Follow our guide to Black Friday shopping and tackle the task like a pro.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019/Author: Kirstin Toms - MarCom/Number of views (7905)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Home Internet

Do You Need Wifi? Save Money on Your Smartphone Service with These Easy Tips

Do you have a mobile phone plan that includes unlimited data for your whole family? You may think that sounds like a sweet deal until you start getting throttled by your cell phone provider because you’re using more data than they think you should.

What does that mean? Cellular phone providers are in the business of selling data. They might give you 4 GB, 8 GB, or 12 GB of data per month for a set rate, but if you go over your limit, your bill will increase—often as much as $15 for every GB of data you use after you’ve hit your limit. But that’s not all that happens.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019/Author: Kirstin Toms - MarCom/Number of views (8276)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Home Internet

The Best Podcasts for Kids

We live in a highly visual world where kids relish “screen time.” That can include anything from YouTube videos of youngsters opening toys to hot cartoons like Peppa Pig and on-screen games.

But today’s best podcasts for kids feature highly engaging content that kids will love—sans the video. Just as old-fashioned radio shows did in their time, today’s podcasts ignite imaginations of a new generation.

So what are some of the best podcasts for kids?

Consolidated Communications dug deep to find the best fun and educational podcasts for kids of all ages.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019/Author: Kirstin Toms - MarCom/Number of views (10010)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Home Internet

Back-to-School: 10 Tips for Staying Close with Your College Kids

Long summer days are getting shorter. Stores are promoting back-to-school sales. As our children grow up, those supply lists may change, but some things stay the same: that combination of excitement and trepidation kids face at the start of a new school year.

And guess what?

It doesn’t get better as they get older. College-age students moving away might be just as nervous, in their own way, as those tiny kindergarteners getting on a school bus for the first time.

Fortunately, your Consolidated Communications (CCI) Internet and Wi-Fi make it easier than ever to stay in touch with your littles who are not-so-little anymore.

Monday, August 12, 2019/Author: Kirstin Toms - MarCom/Number of views (8692)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Home Internet