What is UCAAS? What You Need to Know About Unified Communications as a Service

Woman calling to learn about what is Ucaas

UCaaS compiles several tools, like VoIP, instant messaging, video conferencing, and file sharing, into a single platform to streamline communication between people. While UC has been around for a while, UCaaS is constantly growing since people have easier access to cloud-based services everywhere. If you’re still wondering what UCaaS is, we’ll help you define UCaaS. Learn more.

Thursday, April 18, 2024/Author: Kelley Donald - MarCom/Number of views (30)/Comments (0)/

The Digital Superintendent: How to Use Technology to Create a Thriving School District

Digital school principals and tech-savvy superintendents lead with innovation, encouraging teacher leadership, maximizing social presence and fostering professional learning networks to strengthen the expertise of their schools and districts. In addition to day-to-day work complexities, superintendents must navigate ever-changing and significant technological transformations. They need specialized advisors to help bypass the complexities surrounding successful district-level technology leadership strategies and goals. Implementing new technology in schools will increase engagement, collaboration, inclusion, productivity and creativity in virtual textbooks and online courses. Learn more.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024/Author: Anonym/Number of views (434)/Comments (0)/

Microsoft 365: Can Your Business Benefit?

CCI can help you maximize a hosted Suite of Microsoft Productivity solutions to help drive your business forward. Learn more.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (12034)/Comments (0)/

Embracing the Cloud for Your Business

Navigating through the complex landscape of Cloud Services and how your business can benefit.

This is likely not the first article you've read about what "the Cloud" can do for your business, a topic that can be amorphous and often confusing. Different people have differing definitions, expectations, and perspectives on the Cloud. For the purposes of this discussion, let’s define "Cloud" as the removal of intellectual assets and specific equipment from the physical building.

Let's take a look at some real-world applications of moving to Cloud services...

Wednesday, October 12, 2016/Author: Julie Wills - MarCom/Number of views (8624)/Comments (0)/

Two Heads May Be Better than One, but One Service Provider Beats Two

Utilizing a single provider for network and cloud services means better service and faster support

One of the main reasons for moving to the cloud is to free IT staff from labor-intensive, daily management of computing services, and instead make them available for more strategic activities such as planning and oversight. Simplifying network management by using one vendor for both networking and cloud services is one more way to free resources for those profit-enhancing initiatives. Setting up services becomes simpler when the vendor recommending your network configuration knows what cloud services you’ll be using. Compatibility issues are eliminated before they occur. And IT staff doesn’t have to play middleman and be responsible for conveying information between cloud and network vendors.

One of the biggest differences among cloud service providers is whether the provider offers their own network access to their cloud services...

Sunday, January 24, 2016/Author: Julie Wills - MarCom/Number of views (8240)/Comments (0)/